Monday, December 27, 2010


bored holiday :/

i still play internet, i still in home.
i spent my holiday just play tumblr ♥♥♥
oh but i celebrate the chirstmas, at least im not in home for all the time.
im bored.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I’m a lesbian so i must have a crush on every girl i see.
I have alot of guy friends so i must be fucking every single one of them.
I smile alot, so i must have the perfect life.
I listen to reggae, so I must be a stoner.
My opinion matters, so I must be a bitch.
I’m comfortable with my body, so I get around?
I’m friends with a lot of guys, so I’ve must have hooked up with all of them.
I like to help out, so I must be a suck up.
I’m black, so I must be ghetto.
I’m black, so I must be stupid.
I’m Mexican, so I must be low class.
I’m bisexual, so I must get around.
I’m straight up blunt, so I must be a bitch.
I like to drink, so I must be an alcoholic.
I don’t hang out with guys, so I must be a lesbian.
I cut myself so I must be emo.
I’m bisexual, so none of my girl friends can feel safe.
I laugh and smile, so I cannot be depressed.
I like spending my day at home, so I don’t have any friends
I am gay, so i must be bullied
Most of my friends are dudes, so I must be a tomboy.
I’m on Tumblr, so I must have zero friends in real life
I’m a Muslim, so I must be a terrorist
I make alot of mistakes so I must be stupid/retarded.
I strongly defend LGBT so I must be gay.
I’m from a broken family, so I must be a rebel.
I like rasta colors, so I must smoke weed.
I’ve had sex, so I must be a slut.
I’ve made mistakes, so I must be untrustworthy.
I really love him, so I must hold on.
I’m a Filipino, so I must be a maid.
I really love him, so I must be taken for granted.
I’m a Politician, so I must be corrupt.
I’m Blonde, so I must be really stupid.
I’m wearing a black shirt, so I must be emo.
I wear make up, so I must be a flirt.
I make alot of mistakes, so I must be hated.
I am a teenager, so I must be misunderstood.

source: here

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

birthday time part 2

hii, let's continue the story hehe.

i forgot where i stoped the story *checking the last post* we change to bahasa hehe

setelah dari ikobana kita semua pulang tapi farah engga gara gara banyak anak cowok yang bertaburan dijalan pulangnya-_- padahal jalannya ga nyampe 500 meter lagi nyampe kerumahnya. akhirnya farah main kerumah gue, ngapain? gatau sampe akhirnya farah bilang mau kerumah davina. yak kita udah sampe rumah davina, kata embanya masuk aja paling davina dikamarnya. kita udah didepan kamarnya nih, ngapain? bingung. akhirnya gue buka pintu kamarnya cuman buat intip intip dan dia TIDUR. gue bingung mau ngapain lagi farah akhirnya buka pintunya dan davina masih tidur. gara gara bingung mau ngapain gue sama farah pulang. ditanya embanya davina 'ada davinanya?' gue bilang 'iya ada(gue tapi ga ngasih tau kalo dia tidur)' 'kok cepet banget' kata embanya. duh mbae gue ngeles ngeles dikit dan bilang 'iya mau ngembaliin barang doang-_-' eh ngembaliin apa yak duh tolol banget gue waktu itu. yak kita balik kerumah masing masing.

waktu udah mepet mepet jam setengah 3 gue musti GO, gue nunggu tukang ojek gue kok lama banget yang sampe jam setengah 3 lewat 15an dan gue telat ah tapi gapapa. di GO gue bete berat gue bosen gue sih ga dicuekin tapi gue duduk sendiri di kursi belakang. sendiri sendiri bayangin belajar sendiri bosen. akhirnya gue main hp dan ga dengerin pelajaran, abis dari GO ya gua pulang.

sampe sini gue bingung mau cerita apa lagi hehe. udahan yak maaf gantung namanya juga idup gua.

Monday, December 13, 2010

birthday time

Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to meee,

yap today is my birthday, cool? not yet.

so i want tell my story about super cooltoday, when i woke up for pray my family was said happy bithday to me then i sleep again just for a while, then when i woke up for the second time i saw my family prepared my birthday stuff they gave super cool present i really like it. after eat the cake and try all present, as usualy i spent my time to school hah. yap its monday my school always hold the fucking ceremony. nobody say happy birthday to me even in class until nabila say out loud when she into the class 'mira ulang tahun ya?' -___- how shame was me. and then they said happy birthday to me. ya when we break much friend said happy birthday to me, thank you all. yap school is over lila want to borrow my book, and the book is at my home, after that i back to school. i meet nadhira and titha we have a plan to treat to watch movie because nadhira and titha birthday in december too. we got a great conversation until titha and nadhira go home. so i go home too. when i'm home prima call me and ask me where was me and nadhira. unbelieve farah, talitha, davina and prima come to my home and bring the candle and pancake. how surprise was me they come and sing along when i played computer after that we ate in ikobana. and home i got a story after that but i want to sleep i will post the story for you ♥♥

and happy birthday to meee

Friday, December 10, 2010

Finally its out

finally after i wait for a long time, cool!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

posting ditengah belajar itu asik

apabanget judulnya. ya gue juga tau tapi serius asik besok gue ulangan biologi gue ngerasa terlalu (sok) ngerti dibab ini entar liat aja kenyataannya 100 amin yaAllah eh iya hari ini gue gamasuk sekolah dong sebenernya dari awal kemaren berangkat sekolah udah ngerasa pusing terus pulang sekolah langsung demam. kakak, ade, bokap eyang gue juga sempet cuman kakak gue aja yang berlanjut sakitnya ya dia tifes. entah lah tulisannya gimana, gue mau cerita waktu hari selasa kan pada ngomong secondhand mau dateng dan mau nonton terus jb terus maroon5 pada antusias uwe uwe uweeee. waktu gue ngomong nonton a rocket to the moon aja yuk ato ga i see star? KRIK........ oke gabisa ngomong fys, dtf, heymonday, a7x, mcr, tss, versaemerge, nsn. semua jadi wtf (?) udah deh segitu aja. gue masih pengen pinter dan pengennya pinter tanpa belajar. bye.

gwrs brother